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One week ago I joined an online herpes dating service, because the guy I contracted H from and I was still "seeing" disappeared again for the 3rd or 4th time (i've lost count), and I was tired of holding on to what little "relationship" I had with him (basically just physical).

My question is this, do you all think it is wrong of me to "put myself out there" like this? I mean, its not like I put on my profile "By the way, Im HSV positive." I've had some surprising interest, but Im hesitant to pursue anything seriously just yet because of the whole H thing. I feel like I may be deceiving these guys on the site. Its not like they are expecting someone with H to be so "bold" as to put a profile on a dating site.

BTW, my current guy resurfaced yesterday, and sometimes I think its just easier to stick with him since we both have it but it is so hard knowing it will probably never be more than it is.

Any thoughts? I've still not ever had to have the talk yet, and even though I've heard of some great results from others on this site, I still am afraid.

It makes you feel better knowing that there are other people that know what they go through.Try to maintain a positive outlook on life and realize that this does not change who you are. If anything it forces you to take excellent care of yourself. Keeping my head up.

I did some reasearch and I found some solace in the fact that theres plenty of famous people living wonderful lives with HSV.

David Hasselhoff
Bill Clinton
Tony Bennett
Robin Williams
Justin Whalin
Brad Pitt
David Beckham
Jason Kidd
Fred Durst
Joshua Jackson
Billy Idol
Colin Farrell
Juwan Howard
Dennis Rodman
Cliff Robinson
Vernin Maxwell

Lauren Hutton
Sheryl Crow
Paris Hilton
Victoria Beckham
Pamela Anderson
Lucie Arnaz
Janet Jackson (per her prescriptions list on
Tawny Kitaen (per her prescriptions list on
Britney Spears (seen buying Zovirax while in Kentwood)
Katie Holmes (nasty sores seen on lips, wonder where else she has them?)
Alyssa Milano
Kristanna Loken
Joumana Kidd

So you can do anything, your life is not over. This is nothing to be ashamed of and you will be able to look at it as a minor part of your life. Plenty of people have HSV and have led successful and happy lives you can be the next one to beat it.

The Largest Herpes Dating Site For Singles. Find Match In Local Area.

So you found out that you have herpes. As you might realize, it can be a very socially debilitating illness. How exactly do you get back on the dating scene once you've learned about your illness?

1) Be honest, but not brutally so – you need to tell a date that you have herpes and give them enough time to absorb and think about the information before having sexual contact.Honesty and openness with potential partners is of the most importance when you are single with herpes . 

Remember that timing is everything and just blurting out that you have herpes just before you get in bed is definitely a big no-no.

Most people lack enough information on the disease and brutal honesty can cause them to process your revelation poorly, causing them to react in fear and loathing. However, given enough time and information, herpes doesn't have to be that big a deal.

2) Don't make it the biggest factor of your life – treat herpes just like any other problem in the dating scene. We all have various hurdles to face in the dating scene and herpes can be reduced to just one of those hurdles.

If a person rejects you, it might not be because of the illness. In other words, don't use herpes as an excuse to stop self-improvement.

3) Educate your partner – the best thing you can do is to help enlighten your acquaintance about your condition. Dating with herpes can be so much easier if you help the other person learn more about the disease.

4) Get help – you are not alone. A lot of other people face problems in dating with herpes. By joining a herpes dating and support site and getting help, you might find that you deal with pressure a lot more easily.

My partner and I met on in July 08. We messaged back and forth for about a month. Finally she drove to Chicago for our first date. We had dinner downtown and walked around Michigan Avenue and down by the lakefront. Our first date was 7 hours long. There was an instant connection and the conversation flowed naturally. Allie lived 2.5 hours away, with only Interstate 57 between us, we took turns driving back and forth from Chicago to Champaign on the weekends. One of the best experiences we had together was at Grant Park on the night that Obama was elected. We are two independent, strong people who feel so lucky to have found someone to share all that life has to have offer. 

It is always Darkest before Dawn as the old Proverb Goes... Dont Give Up Hope.. Fear Nothing & Experience Everything.. Otherwise You Could Miss Out On Some Of The Best & Most Important Things That Life Has To Offer!!!!

Singles with herpes

Honesty and openness with potential partners is of the most importance when you are single with herpes. This was important to you before you contracted HSV, why wouldn't it be now? Let's face it-it's difficult to tell someone that you suffer from genital herpes. Now with online dating, we are meeting people who are almost perfect strangers much more frequently. Having to tell a stranger that you have herpes is not exactly how most people want to begin their first date. But now, there are sites out there that understand the problems single herpes sufferers face and are hooking up successful, happy couples through herpes dating

Approximately 50 million Americans have genital herpes. That's about twenty-five percent of the population! Herpes Simplex Virus or HSV is twice as common among people between 20 and 29 years old than it was twenty years ago. Studies show that as much as 80 percent of the herpes population is unaware that they have the virus. Although there is still no cure, scientists are working on topical solutions and vaccines that can help combat the spread of HSV. With treatment herpes can be managed and not transferred to your partner.

For singles with Herpes dating is complicated. Many suffers that are single find that dating with herpes is a headache. Having HSV isn't easy. Neither is online dating. But now, online dating for people with herpes is easier than ever before. There are dating services and websites that specialize in herpes dating which help sufferers find partners who are also single with herpes. 

Single HSV sufferers are going online in greater numbers than ever before to herpes dating sites that offer privacy and protection without later guilt or embarrassment of explaining HSV to a love interest. Online dating for people with herpes just got less complicated.

You'll find a community of people that share many things: interests and hobbies; likes and dislikes; values, goals and dreams. What sets apart from other online dating websites is that you don't have to hide anymore-everyone seeking love and deep, meaningful relationships at are living with Herpes, HIV or AIDS. If you're single with herpes it's time to pull your profile together and meet others like you. Search for singles with herpes and forget the headaches and hiding.

What Makes Herpes Return?

Herpes infections have different patterns in different people, but one thing that does tend to play a part is the state of a person's health and their immune system.

Below is a list of situations that can sometimes aggravate the herpes virus and bring on an outbreak. These influences do not affect everyone, but it may help you to access possible factors that could be having an effect.

The follow may trigger an outbreak in some cases:

Phyisical Factors:

  • Being run-down
  • Suffering from other genital infections (affecting the local skin area)
  • Menstruation Cycle
  • Pregnancy
  • Drinking a lot of alcohol
  • Exposure of the area to strong sunlight
  • Conditions that compromise a person's immune system
  • Prolonged periods of stress
  • Fatigue
  • Ultraviolet light
  • Friction or damage to the skin, caused by, for example, sexual intercourse, may also lead to a recurrence
  • Skin irritation (such as sunburn)
  • Surgical trauma
  • Diet and certain foods
  • Another illness (especially with fever)
  • Temperature extremes
  • Steroid medication (e.g., asthma medication)
  • Anything that lowers your immune system or causes local injury can trigger recurrences.

Psychological factors:

  • Emotional upset or stress
  • Periods of prolonged stress can cause more frequent recurrences
  • It is also common to experience stress and anxiety as a result of having recurrences
Many of these factors are associated with time periods when a person's immune system is weakened or stressed. This makes the body more susceptible to the virus and therefore more likely to experience an outbreak. 

What is Herpes? ..

What is Herpes? And other basics...

Herpes is a virus that can spread from person to person through skin-to-skin contact. It can appear on many different areas of the body and is typically marked by an eruption of a cluster of blisters, although some people show very mild or no symptoms at all.

How many herpes viruses are there?

There are many different "herpes" viruses. Human members of this group of viruses include

  1. Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (responsible for cold sores and genital herpes)
  2. Varicella- zoster virus
  3. Epstein- Barr virus
  4. Human cytomegalovirus,
  5. And, the recently discovered Human herpes virus

The herpes viruses are also widespread throughout the animal kingdom involving simians, cattle, cats, chicken, etc. Of these, only herpes virus simiae is harmful to man.

Conditions caused by the herpes virus group include:

  • Cold sores (Herpes simplex virus)
  • Genital herpes (Herpes simplex virus)
  • Herpes Whitlow (Herpes simplex virus)
  • Chickenpox (Varicella- zoster virus)
  • Shingles (Varicella- zoster virus)
  • Glandular fever or Infectious mononucleosis (Epstein- Barr virus)
  • Cytomegalovirus infections (Human cytomegalovirus)
  • Roseola or Exanthem subitum (Human Herpes virus Type 6)
  • B virus infection (Herpesvirus simiae)

The History of Herpes

Where did it come from?

The herpes virus has been around for a very long time, documented by the ancient Greeks as sores that seemed to 'creep' over the surface of the skin. In fact, the term "herpes" is derived from the Greek word meaning "to creep".

It is also evident that two thousand years ago, Roman Emperor Tiberius attempted to curb an epidemic of herpes labialis (mouth herpes) by outlawing kissing during public ceremonies and rituals.

The term herpes simplex was introduced in 1906 and included herpes labialis (cold sores) and herpes progenitalis (genital herpes) in the belief that both disorders were the same disease affecting different anatomic sites. Vidal (1873) first demonstrated herpes simplex to be infections caused by human inoculation.

The origin of herpes in human history is unknown. HSV-1 has probably been around as long as anyone could diagnose the distinctive fever blisters.

Studies of the elderly in Europe and the United States have shown that 90% have been exposed to the virus. The spread of HSV-1 has declined with the understanding that the herpetic sores shed the virus and that these can be spread with just a kiss. HSV-2 is primarily passed on by sexual contact between humans.

Herpetic whitlow is a herpes infection in the fingers which occurred in dental personnel before the era of mandatory glove use. Like herpetic lesions elsewhere on the body, the herpes outbreaks are often painful and at times disabling.

The herpes virus is related to viruses that cause chicken pox, shingles, infectious mononucleosis and Epstein-Barr. The Epstein-Barr Virus was discovered in 1964 by M. Anthony Epstein and co-workers in Burkitt's lymphoma cells.

However, it wasn't until 1968 that Gertrude and Werner Henle discovered it was actually a herpes virus and, after one of their lab technicians came down with mononucleosis, discovered its link with the herpes simplex virus.

Re: Herpes and Dating Guide

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 11:57 AM, David Smith <> wrote:
Now… You have herpes, a highly contagious Sexually Transmitted Disease known to cause such undesirable things as visible sores and painful scabby blisters on your genitals, most shocking of all There Is No Cure. (Yikes..insert awkward pause in dinner conversation) Well both you and I know that you are not any less of who you are before you found out about herpes but trust me… I know from experience it will be tough, talking a potential date about your condition. Let's face it. You WILL be rejected, probably more often than not - but you must stand strong. There is hope in finding someone who will love you for you. Very little is known about Herpes by the general public, in fact recent studies suggest 1 in 5 sexually active people get herpes (thousands of whom visit this site everyday to find each other). Most just aren't aware because they are asymptotic and continue about their lives without ever even thinking they could be spreading a sexually transmitted disease. Well lucky them - You However Now need to be More Careful Than Ever. Research and knowledge is your best resource when dealing with the complex emotions of dating with herpes. We're here to give you the facts and some advice you can use as you get out and get your dating life back on track!

Herpes Diagnosis - ME?

Being diagnosed with herpes usually hits people like a ton of bricks. When your doctor or practitioner first uttered the words you probably thought to yourself, or exclaimed "Help!"! I am sure many emotions raced through your mind. How did this happen? Who gave this to me? Will I ever be able to date again? Will I ever be able to have sex again? These feelings are totally normal. As time progresses things will get easier for you in your love life.

How Did This Happen?

People think sexually transmitted diseases will 'happen to someone else' or that using a condom is 100% foolproof in protecting against STD's. The most important thing to realize is that ANYONE who is sexually active has an extremely high likelihood that they will come into contact herpes. Genital herpes is very common. Many estimates have placed the lifetime likelihood of getting genital herpes to be in the range of 20%. Think about that. That is 1 out of every 5 people! It is almost impossible to be sexually active with more than one partner your entire life and avoid catching herpes. While most do not know they have the herpes virus because it does not cause any visible symptoms, they are still able to transmit the virus to others. Even if this does sound alarming, it is comforting to know that most people are exposed to herpes. For most people herpes does not cause any outbreaks. Telling your current or future dating partner armed with these statistics about herpes makes it much easier to be honest with them.

Where Can I find other people with herpes to date?

At times it is difficult dating, especially in the beginning stages of learning about herpes, or if you have been rejected in the past.! Find others with herpes in your area today that have herpes and share your outlook on dating. It is free to join and you can start communicating right away in our forums! Then sign up for direct anonymous communicating and more features. Come and Sign up for free Now.

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